Friday, December 19, 2008

Utilities Suggest Huge Electric Vehicle Orders

Utilities are among the groups now considering
mass orders of electric vehicles from the U.S.
automobile manufacturing sector, to help the
auto companies make the biggest
manufacturing realignment since since WWII.
The exploratory discussions are being conducted at top
levels and among firms like PG&E who see plug in hybrid
and all electric vehicles as a solution to uneven grid loads.
Utilities have invested a great deal of research using the
vehicle to grid (V2G) capabilities of plugged in electric
vehicles to stabilize the grid.
The idea being considered would involve joining together
to put in a substantial order to put weight behind
development of Plug In Hybrids (PHEVs) and electric
vehicles (EVs). The idea is that large fleet orders would
provide the certain market car makers need to make
the initial move away from fossil fueled vehicles.
With their buying power (they could order 50,000
electric vehicles for their fleets) utilities could provide
a solid beginning to switching Detroit to entirely new
vehicle markets.
Talks with automakers have occurred individually
and through the electric industry’s primary trade
organization, the Edison Electric Institute, and include
Xcel, Progress Energy, PG&E, Edison International and
Wisconsin Energy Corp.Dick Kelly, chief executive of
Xcel Energy in Minneapolis said, “If we get enough of
us together, we could put in a very large order and
maybe a big down payment.”Utilities gain less in
increased electricity sales than in grid stabilization;
evening out the load with the prospect of being able
to swap electrons back and forth between a fleet of
vehicles and the grid. PHEVs draw only about 1.4–2
kW of power while charging; only about what a
dishwasher draws.The benefits for the nation are huge.
Plug-In Hybrids leave their Hybrid counterparts in the
dust, in mileage.For example, where the Ford Escape
Hybrid gets mileage in the 20’s or 30’s, a Plug In Escape
would get over 80 MPG. It has now completed a year of
successful testing with Southern California Edison.
The many aftermarket Prius conversions boast over
100 MPG as Plug In Hybrids compared with about
50 MPG as a first-gen Hybrid. Aftermarket Ford truck
conversions similarly get about twice the mileage of
their non plugged in hybrids.And the Chevy Volt
Extended-Range EV is designed from the ground up
as an EV that only gets a boost for long-distance from gas.
It would get also get over 100 MPG in cross-country
driving, and not need gasoline for trips under 40 miles
a day.Further development to get these to market are
endangered by the auto meltdown. In fact, to some
extent, we have stopped buying new vehicles precisely
because we are waiting for the switch to the post gasoline
era vehicles.So, Mark Duvall, a researcher at the EPRI
suggests that the best help for automakers would be a
multiyear order placed in one group from utilities fleets.
That’s because early models may be money losers, so
multiyear orders would help automakers achieve
profitable production. He estimates fuel savings,
for utilities, at $10,000 to $15,000 per car.
This kind of certain ongoing manufacturing order
is a very safe way to grow small businesses from
scratch, and could even help restabilize the large
automanufacturers in the same way now that their
future is under threat.“I would do it,” says Gale
Klappa, CEO of Wisconsin Energy, adding that his
utility has about 3,000 vehicles in its fleet and
replaces 20% each year. Bill Johnson, chief executive
of Progress Energy Inc. said, “Our industry is
nterested in reducing carbon-dioxide emissions,
and it seems like a good idea for auto makers and
us to pull together,”He added that the idea is in a
formative stage and is “gaining momentum.”

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