Sunday, December 14, 2008

Latest on Tesla

Detroit: Tesla Motors Does *Not* Need 
Government Funding To Survive, CEO 
Declares. As much as Detroit needs a $34 
billion government bailout to keep the 
lights on and continue building gas-guzzling
pick-ups, minivans and SUVs, Silicon 
Valley startup Tesla Motors does not 
require Federal money to survive.
The $40 million the San Carlos, Calif.
company secured last month is twice 
what it needs to reach profitability next 
year, said CEO Elon Musk this week.
However, the 300-person company is 
still going after a $450 million government 
loan to accelerate the production of its 
upcoming model “S” 5-passenger all 
electric sedan and its power-train factory.
“The sedan program is $350 million. 
This is tiny compare to what Detroit is 
asking. It’s like a month interest,” 
said Musk, “Compare (it) to $34 billion. 
We’re like less than 1%. It’s like ridiculous. 
We’re asking for less than 1% what Detroit 
is asking for…It’s quite reasonable to me.” 
Musk said he would use another $100
million to build the power-train factory 
that will supply other car companies.

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