Monday, December 29, 2008

First Affordable Lithium Powered Highway Speed Vehicle Delivered

Myers Motors has just delivered the nation’s first all-electric (110 volt outlet charging), highway speed (76 mph), lithium battery powered, sub-$30,000 vehicle. This new battery system, electronically managed by a system developed in conjunction with Akron University for MM’s prospective entry into the Automotive X Prize, is the next step towards realizing the dream of electric vehicles: inexpensive travel that avoids the geo-political and environmental ravages inherent in America’s total dependence upon oil for its transportation needs.This development comes on top two other keys for the development of affordable, practical, electric vehicles. The first development was the concept that there are so many vehicles in America, and that so many households have more than one vehicle, that vehicles sized for the jobs they do makes practical sense. The execution of this line of thinking was the single passenger vehicle which has large enough occupancy for 9 out of 10 commuters and almost 7 out of 10 miles driven in the US. The second development followed the first … the vehicle’s range only needed to meet how people were actually going to use that vehicle … and with 50% of the cars on the road travelling less than 30 miles per day, a 30 mile range was practical. The latest development, the third key, is lithium battery technology that promises to last the lifetime of the vehicle (100,000 miles +), almost double the daily practical range to 50 miles (in the NmG) and enable you to drive 1000 miles on only $20 of fuel.The Myers Motors NmG is the most affordable, all-electric vehicle being delivered in America today, but at a price tag of $29,995, it is primarily targeted to early adapters and those who just really hate their daily fuel costs supporting oil nations’ autocrats and dictators who are bleeding the American economy at the rate of $1 billion per day. But, there is still one more thing to be done: reduce the initial purchase price so that it is truly affordable.

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