Friday, December 5, 2008

Hawaii unveils plans for Electric Vehicles

Hawaii has decided to partner with Better Place 
to bring car battery exchange stations for electric 
vehicles to the islands, Hawaii Gov. Linda Lingle 
announced Tuesday.
Better Place stations, similar in concept to gas 
stations, offer drivers with electric vehicles an 
automated system that swaps out exhausted 
lithium ion car batteries for fully-charged ones. 
The swapping system is intended to be convenient 
for both drivers and local electric companies, 
since Better Place can recharge the exhausted 
batteries with excess electricity generated 
from renewable sources during off-peak electricity 
hours.Lingle said the project is an example of 
Hawaii's efforts to gain independence from foreign 
oil, and to stimulate its economy through 
investment in energy technology.Not surprising 
due to its geography, Hawaii spends about $7 
billion a year on oil imports with its drivers facing 
some of the toughest prices at the pump in the U.S. 
The plan to implement Better Place stations 
coincides with the Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative 
(HCEI) intended to change that. Signed in 
January, it sets Hawaii's renewable energy bar at 
70 percent clean energy by 2030, as well as 
encouraging programs that foster local economic 
Shai Agassi, founder and CEO of Better Place, was 
also on hand at the plan unveiling in Hawaii on 
December 2. According to Agassi, Hawaii is the 
second state in the U.S., and the fifth place in the 
world, to adopt the Better Place electric-car 
infrastructure. Better Place stations have already 
been implemented in Denmark and Israel, with 
Australia and California recently announcing 
intentions to add them."Hawaii, with its ready 
access to renewable energy resources like 
solar, wind, wave, and geothermal, is the ideal 
location to serve as a blueprint for the rest of 
the U.S. in terms of reducing our dependence 
on foreign oil, growing our renewable energy 
portfolio and creating an infrastructure that will 
stabilize our economy," 
Agassi said in a statement to the press.Hawaii 
Electric is also onboard. The state's electric 
utility signed a Memorandum of Understanding 
(MOU) with Better Place which plans to power 
its public charging and battery-swapping stations 
with renewable energy resources.According to 
the plan, Better Place will pull permits for its 
stations in 2009, offer electric cars within 18 
months, and make both available for the mass
market in Hawaii by 2012.Better Place has said 
it's in talks with major automakers and would like 
to offer swappable batteries for any electric vehicle 
regardless of which company makes the car. 
But right now the company's stations only service 
two electric vehicles: the Renault Megane and the 
Better Place Rogue, an electric vehicle based on the 
Nissan Rogue crossover SUV. (picture)
Posted by Candace Lombardi

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