Sunday, December 7, 2008

Are "In Wheel Motors" the solution for EVs

Yesterday I published about the revolutionary In 
Wheel Motor from Michelin, today I'm going to 
show you a few movie clips with other of the In 
Wheeel Motors that are bieng developed by 
diferent companies like PML, Siemens, Volvo, 
Michelin,Mitsubishi and an australian one. 
Pay attention and let me know if you agree with 
me that there is a lot of possibilities that the 
future of the electric car revolution is going to 
came on top of the In Wheel Motors.

Michelin in Wheel Motor
Mitsubishi In Wheel Motor
Australian In Wheel Motor
Siemens In Wheel Motor
Mini with PML In Wheel Motors
F150 PML Hi-Pa In Wheel Motor

Volvo ReCharge hybrid In Wheel Motor EV

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