Saturday, January 31, 2009

Tazzari electric car

Italian industrial group Tazzari is gearing up to produce its own electric car, and released the first clear image of the thing. The firm had previously provided a somewhat annoying teaser video. The new picture of the Tazzari Zero looks a little on the computer-generated side to us, but then the real thing is not due on the road until later this year.

The teaser video gives a few specs: 542kg weight, 90km/h (56mph) top speed, 150km (93 mile) range, 0-50km/h (31mph) in 5 seconds, all of which seem like reasonable claims. The stated 45-minute recharge and running costs of 1p per mile will require an industrial three-phase supply and some creative accounting, respectively. The batteries are to be lithium-based.

Tazzari added that the Zero’s electric motor is “centrally positioned” – we hope the batteries are too if the aim is for mid-engined balance and manoeuvrability. It will also be rear-wheel drive.

Tazzari Group specialises in cast aluminium, so it’s no surprise to learn that the Zero will boast an aluminium frame with, presumably, plastic panels. There are no details yet on price or availability.

In stance and proportions it reminds us a little of the MyCar, which also boasts Italian style but is made in Hong Kong and and is currently a slower and probably cheaper option. The Zero will in fact be sold alongside the MyCar in the UK by theNice Car Company.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Electric Car, Party Of One?

Japan's Takeoka Jidosha Kogei Ltd. is debuting a new car in Tokyo this weekend: a prototype model of an all-electric one-seater, the T10. 
The T10 seems to be the company's second minicar, after TJK's Milieu R. The T10 is somewhat roomier, with storage space to the left of the driver for a "pet animal" (or multiple pet rocks). It's classified as a motorized four-wheel bicycle, with a per-charge range of 50 km and a top speed of 55 km per hour. It's expected to sell for a little more than the Milieu, which is currently priced around $9,520 US. In an interesting coup for American manufacturing, Curtis Instruments, Inc. provides the control system for the Japanese motor. Also, we should point out that the T10 looks kinda funny. Cute and interesting, to be sure, but funny. We'd love to tell you more, but unfortunately, there's not much info about the company online. It doesn't even look like they have a website, which seems weird. (Heck, even we have a website, and we only talk about cars.) Even the one vaguely substantial mention of the Milieu R is embedded deep in a PDF (HTML version here), and the most we learn from that is that it has a range of 55 km, tops out at 60 km per hour, and it's also classified as a four-wheeled motorcycle. That said, we'd love to hear more about either of these vehicles--especially from our Japanese readers who might've seen one in the wild. Drop us a line or leave a message in the comments below!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Vauxhall Ampera the Volt in the UK

 "Can you sense the nervousness?" asks Frank Weber, chief engineer on the General Motors extended-range battery car, the Volt. "There's a new sense of the future together with a slight panic." Weber thinks that the next 10 years in the automobile industry are going to be simultaneously exciting and very unpredictable. Why? Electricity, that's why. Continuing to build fossil-fuelled vehicles for 98 per cent of our road transport needs "is not a sustainable option", says Weber, but the options for incorporating electrical power are myriad – and that's where the problems begin. "If you are talking about hybridising a vehicle you'd better make sure you know a lot about batteries," says GM's chief financial officer Fritz Henderson. GM contends that while individual cell development is best left to specialist firms such as LG Chem, from which it is buying the Volt's 16kWh battery, the car industry cannot merely subcontract understanding the science of electrical storage and particularly how it impacts in the super-harsh requirements of road transportation. "We will have to understand and learn to judge what is real and what is not," says Weber, referring to some of the more outrageous claims made for petrol/electric hybrids and pure battery cars, particularly when it comes to range and longevity. It's often stated that there are no bad cars any more, but that's about to change. Weber admits that in a new world of nascent electrical transport, there are going to be some absolute lemons. It's not just car makers which will have to learn about batteries, but politicians, legislators, motoring journalists and the car-buying public will have to begin to understand the battery science as well. The alternative might involve being stuck at the side of the road waiting for a breakdown van and out of the loop of the technological revolution. GM says that the battery chemistry and types are changing so fast that it doesn't want to be a leader in the field of cell research, but it does want to be in the vanguard of automotive application research. The knowledge it wants to accrue out of the Volt programme is how to evaluate the latest battery technology, how to package it, make it ultra-reliable and long-lasting. As a result of several years of rigorous testing, the Volt's battery pack is guaranteed to propel the Astra-sized hatchback for 40 miles, rain, shine or snow, for 10 years. "I call it the law of large numbers," says Jon Lauckner, GM's vice-president of global programme management. "Those batteries have to be 99.9999 per cent good [or damn-near perfect] because we are planning on producing an awful lot of them and any sort of waste rate at all is going to be very, very expensive." The Volt goes on sale in the US in November next year priced at $40,000, with a European version called the Vauxhall (Opel in the rest of Europe) Ampera following in 2011. GM wants to be producing millions of cells eventually and claims to be already working of versions two and three of the Volt. It has recently commissioned a massive battery research laboratory in Warren, Michigan. I've been there but can't tell you much about it except that it's massive and smells of paint. Weber says that the Mark III Volt might even have a different sort of battery chemistry to the Mark I version. While Cadillac showed a concept called the Converj, based on Volt extended-range technology, at the recent Detroit motor show, Weber won't be drawn on whether follow-up vehicles will be bigger or smaller than the current Astra-sized Volt, that there aren't linear scale gains in downsizing the technology. In other words, the gains in a smaller, lighter car are not as big as you might expect. "In a Corsa the battery-only range would only become about 44 miles from the Volt's 40 miles, because smaller cars are not as good aerodynamically," he says. "This is not the search for the coolest tech, or the lowest price," says Lauckner, "it's about defect-free manufacturing."  

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

iMiev Sport EV: On Sale in 2009

Mitsubishi wants everyone to know that some mainstream car companies are actually interested in developing full electric vehicles. The iMiev has been around for a while, but they've updated the concept, made it sportier, and they're looking at taking advantage of some new battery technology.

The little Beetle lookalike would travel 100 miles per charge (if ever produced) and would be marketed mostly in urban centers (OK...probably just Japan.) Unlike the new Phoenix batteries, the iMiev charges only through regular grid electricity, and so takes about 7 hours to recharge. But the good news is they've moved up the release date from 2010 to 2009.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Hy Tric Motors offers new electric cars

Hy Tric Motors, a company based in Ventura, California offers electric vehicles and electric retro fit kits. The company seems to focus mostly on low-speed electric vehicles, but the Hy Tric Electro Cycle seen above has a top speed of 125 mpg. It costs $23,999, but there are virtually no other details available. In fact, the entire website is not set up to provide a whole lot of information about the cars. We can see pictures of the 2009 AFS Hy Tric 4 Seater (the green vehicle) that starts at $10,900 and the 2009 AFS Hy Tric EVCapus, a work truck for $13,900, but not much more about them.The only car that Hy Tric offers any real details on is the 2009 AFS Hy Tric Electro XRb-series, an EV that costs $9,999 and can go 60-90 miles on a full charge of its lead acid batteries (eight 12V/120AH packs). A 4 kW motor offers a top speed of 37 mph (can be limited to 25 mph to fall into the NEV category). Hy Tric also offers a series of conversion kits ranging from $2,500 (48 volt kit) to $5,000 (144 volts) to add onto your own vehicle.

Monday, January 26, 2009

ZAP unveils Alias Performance Electric Car at NADA

Dealers attending the NADA expo in New Orleans received a firsthand look at the pre-production ZAP Alias roadster. The company that has become known for its funky-looking three-wheeled electric city cars and trucks will deliver its first performance model in late 2009.
Zap considers the Alias a roadster even though it does not appear to offer a removable roof. What it does feature is a dramatic design, seating for two, freeway speeds, 100-mile range, and an "affordable price point." It has a composite shell, lithium-ion batteries, regenerative braking, solar glass, integrated GPS, and "Lambo-style" doors.

The three-wheeler weights only 1496 lbs and its AC induction motor sends about 58 hp and 55 lb-ft of torque to the front wheels. The company says the combo is good for a zero to 60 mph time of 7.8 seconds and a top speed of 105 mph.

Unlike most of its products that are made in China, Zap says it will be building the Alias in the U.S. and is currently finalizing the production requirements. By the end of the year it will produce a limited number of hand-crafted, Signature Series Alias roadsters. A $1,000 deposit is all it takes to reserve one today with the MSRP expected to be below $35,000.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Tata Indica Vista to get electric drivetrain from TM4

The all-electric Indica Vista by Tata Motors has taken a large step forward with the naming of TM4 as its supplier of motors, controllers and power electronics. TM4 is a subsidiary of Hydro-Quebec and joins battery supplierElectrovaya as the second Canadian company involved with the project. Miljø Innovasjon, the Tata subsidiary charged with overseeing the demonstration program, will produce over 100 of the vehicles beginning this year. 

The motor being used is part of the innovative TM4 MΦTIVETM series. The MΦ120 version, thought to be used in the vehicle, weighs only 57 lbs but can put out 160 horsepower with 125 lb ft of torque. In the Indica Vista it should be limited to 80 ponies though. When the car appeared at the Bologna Motor Show it was claimed to have a 0 to 60 time of about 10 seconds and a 120-mile range. Hopefully more firm numbers will come out as the program progresses. Hit the jump for the press release.

Friday, January 23, 2009

TH!NK EV Saved! Made in America 2010?

In December, amidst much gleeful hand-wringing, the imminent demise of all the alternative car companies and electric vehicle start-ups was all over the intertubes, as our second Gilded Age crashed this fall into “the worst depression since the Great Depression”.Headlines full of schadenfreudly screeches like “Oh no! Tesla sedan delayed five minutes! Now surely they will go out of business!” “Another EV startup bites dust!” were gracing a gleeful media.Among these alarmist statements was a much touted story about the near-death of TH!NK, the Norwegian EV maker, which had been scheduled for U.S. delivery in 2009.Never mind that TH!NK had placed a million dollar battery order with Enerdel a few months previously. Now, all was lost. No $25,000 freeway speed EV for America.Well, think again, pundits. After the virtual collapse of the company last month, the U.S.A. (where the original TH!NK was murdered by U.S. lawyers fighting CARB zero emissions rules in the 90’s) could be just where the TH!NK gets resuscitated this year. How ironic“After its virtual collapse last month, there are now renewed signs of life at Norwegian EV maker Th!nk. Ener1 Group Inc. is one of the investors in Th!nk and it’s Enerdel division had been set to supply Th!nk with lithium ion battery packs for its City car, as well as future products.According to Ener1 CEO Charles Gassenheimer, the company is looking at significantly upping its ownership stake in Th!nk. Half of the $5.7 million cash infusion that Th!nk received in December came from Ener1 and “Th!nk may need up to $40 million to get production going. Gassenheimer believes the company could easily sell 10,000 of the City cars annually in the U.S.In conjunction with the [advanced vehicle technologies] DOE loans that EnerDel has applied for to fund increased battery production capacity, Gassenheimer is now looking at setting up Th!nk City production in the U.S. as early as 2010.”You may recall that in December these same advanced vehicle DOE loans were almost diverted to bailout  old technology gas-guzzlers to the fury of new technology startups like Tesla , the XPCar and other electric car makers.Fortunately that advanced tech funding ($25 billion) was saved. And Enerdel has applied for half a billion of that. So now it can be used as it was intended; to advance new low CO2 transport that can drive us into the post oil age.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Shelby to roll out Ultimate Aero EV, the world's fastest electric car

Shelby Super Cars (SSC) might be bursting the bubble of the electric car derby in the second quarter of this year with its Ultimate Aero EV. Shelby says it'll be the world's fastest electric car, but didn't brag about any zero-to-sixty or top speed numbers just yet. If Shelby's not exaggerating, this could leave all those other electric cars in its dust. It gets better. This road rocket uses a breakthrough lithium battery baked up with nanotech, giving the car a range of 150-200 miles, and charging in just ten minutes. Hey, that's about how long it takes to fill up a tank of gas and pour a 64-ounce Big Gulp. Better yet, the company says it'll offer its unique electric motor tech to other car companies, and mentions that the motor can be scaled bigger, with enough oomph for SUVs and delivery trucks, too. What's missing? Price. The company aims to someday sell its mass-produced electric motors for $5K-$6K apiece, but isn't talking about how much this droolworthy car will cost. Perfect timing, Shelby — announcing this technological leap a couple of days after Tesla announced a price increase for its electric Roadster.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Focus-based battery electric car

Ford, the least financially challenged of the Big Three, is making a big push on hybrid and plug-in vehicles. The company brought a development version of its small Focus-based battery electric car to the North American International Auto Show in Detroit, and gave journalists (including me) a chance to drive it on city streets. Though it looked like a bare bones Focus economy car, performance was lively (though somewhat noisy for an EV). Michael Tinskey, Ford’s manager of hybrid applications, says the battery car, scheduled for the 2012 model year, is but one “pillar” of a North American strategy that also includes a battery-powered commercial van due next year and, complementing the new hybrid Ford Fusion and Mercury Milan, an all-new hybrid for the U.S. market. An extended-range plug-in hybrid will be on the market by 2012. Ford placed a fleet of 120-mpg Escape-based plug-in hybrids with Southern California Edison and the Electric Power Research Institute beginning in 2007. The battery car, with styling unique to it, has been under development with the Canadian company Magna International since early 2008. It has a target 100-mile range, 12-hour charging at 110 volts and a single-speed transmission. Tinskey thinks the company can sell as many as 10,000 a year through its traditional dealer network. The price, so far unannounced, “will be competitive with other product offerings.” One of those other products is the City, a two-seat plastic-bodied car made by the Norwegian company Think Global (which, in an earlier incarnation, was actually owned by Ford). After suspending production last December and declaring the Norwegian version of bankruptcy, Think said January 13 that it had identified $5.6 million in short-term financing. The City, which had gone on sale in Scandinavia, has a 110-mile range. A 2009 U.S. launch has been planned. “We’re aware of the Think City, and in some ways it does represent a competitor,” Tinksey said. “But as a sedan that can carry four to five people with all the comforts that people expect, our car is less compromised. The smaller City is in something of a different market.” Tinskey said that people who commute 40 to 50 miles a day are “the perfect customers” for the forthcoming battery car. Initial marketing will be in temperate climates “where people don’t need to use the heat or air conditioning so much.” That’s one way to extend battery range.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

EDAG presents Light Car concept for Geneva

German firm EDAG - short for Engineering & Design, AG - has unveiled its latest concept for a futuristic car ahead of its debut at the Geneva Motor Show in March. The car's key elements center around materials and construction, though its official name - 'Light Car - Open Source' - indicates an ideology that underlies it as well. The 'Light Car' name derives from its fundamental design as a car that communicates with other drivers via a system of OLED (organic LED) lights. Some of the car's key body panels are made of the OLED display material, including the front and rear lights, allowing the owner to customize these lights at will, changing their shape or design much like changing the theme on a computer desktop, in addition to displaying warnings and other data to other drivers. Inside a similar custom theme emerges with reconfigurable displays for key data and instrumentation. "We have transferred today's multimedia and lighting technology standards to the car, and 0in future want to offer the customer scope for free configuration, as the entire surface of the vehicle functions like the monitor of a multimedia installation, and can be used intelligently and individually," said Johannes Barckmann, Head of the EDAG Design Studio. The other star of the EDAG Light Car's materials list is a new basalt fiber composite, here applied for the first time in the automotive realm. Billed as a lightweight, strong and 100% recyclable building material, the basalt fiber promises to help make the Light Car light enough yet strong enough to achieve its task as an all-electric commuter car. EDAG envisions the Light Car with an all-electric drivetrain good for up to 93mi (150km) per charge. Because many of the materials and technologies included in the Light Car concept are still in their very earliest stages, EDAG sees the project as one that is inherently open source - meaning a collaborative, contributive, community project. It hopes to approach and be approached by other car companies interested in making the Light Car work, and bringing its features to life.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Dodge Circuit EV

Dodge Circuit EV: Brand new version of all-electric sports car boasts unique, fearless Dodge design

All-electric vehicle delivers sports car performance with zero gasoline consumption, zero tailpipe emissions and 150-200 mile driving range

The Dodge Circuit EV displays bold exterior and interior styling with outstanding performance, zero gasoline consumption and zero tailpipe emissions.

The Dodge Circuit EV design screams pure sports car from every angle. The Dodge Circuit EV’s profile demonstrates perfect proportions for balanced handling, placing the driver and passenger midway along the wheelbase. At the front of the vehicle, the distinctive Dodge crosshair grille splits the wind, sending it over the long, low hood and cleanly over the windshield and cockpit. The body sides feature a deep scallop, providing visual depth and also a functional rear-brake air duct. At the rear, the functional elements blend with design to create a uniform finish.

“The exterior styling of the Dodge Circuit EV mates bold Dodge styling to the no-compromise performance attributes of an all-electric performance sports car,” said Ralph Gilles, Vice President – Design, Chrysler LLC. “The Dodge Circuit EV offers an extremely fun-to-drive, expressive sports car without fuel consumption and with virtually no impact on the environment.”

The Dodge Circuit EV is adorned in all-new “Tangoreen” exterior color, wearing large “EV” graphics on both sides of the sports car.

The uncomplicated interior of the Dodge Circuit EV delivers a combination of pure function and athletic refinement. The cockpit design puts complete control of the car at the driver’s fingertips. Nestled within a leather-covered instrument cluster are two primary analog-face gauges. A digital display conveys information regarding the electric-drive system.

The seats feature deep bolsters and are covered in premium leather. The same premium leather covers the center console and the width of the instrument panel.

The Dodge Circuit EV delivers all of the convenience features of a performance sports car, including premium sound system, power windows and door locks, air conditioning, speed control.

Propelled by a completely electric ENVI drivetrain, the Dodge Circuit EV posts impressive performance numbers:

0-60 mph in less than 5 seconds
¼-mile in 13 seconds
Top speed of more than 120 mph

Perhaps the most impressive Dodge Circuit EV number, however, is zero. That’s how much gasoline the vehicle consumes while providing exhilarating sports car performance. It’s also how much tailpipe emissions are produced.

The Dodge Circuit EV utilizes just three powertrain components. These include a 200 kW (268horsepower) electric motor to drive the wheels, an advanced lithium-ion battery system to power the electric-drive motor, and a controller that manages energy flow.

Working with the latest advanced lithium-ion battery technology, the Dodge Circuit EV has a driving range of 150 to 200 miles between charges – more than triple the average daily commute of most consumers. Recharging the vehicle is a simple one-step process: plugging into a standard 110-volt household outlet. The recharge time can be cut in half by using a typical 220-volt household appliance power outlet.

The Dodge Circuit EV offers driving enthusiasts a performance sports car that can be driven to work every day – without consuming gasoline or producing tailpipe emissions.

Dodge Circuit EV – Vehicle Specifications
Vehicle Type Battery Electric Vehicle,
2-passenger performance coupe

Weight and Dimensions
Length 153.5 inches / 3900 mm
Width 67.5 inches / 1714 mm
Height 45.3 inches / 1150 mm
Wheelbase 91.7 inches / 2330 mm
Track front / rear 57.4 inches / 1457 mm 58.7 inches / 1490 mm
Turn circle 38.0 feet / 11.6 m

Powertrain and Suspension
Layout Rear-wheel drive
Motor Power: 200 kW (268 hp)
Regenerative braking
Battery Lithium-ion battery
Suspension Front - Independent
Rear - Independent

Wheels and Tires
Tire size front P195 / 45ZR17 23.9 inches / 607 mm
Tire size rear P235 / 40ZR18 25.4 inches / 645 mm

Color Scheme
Exterior Tangoreen
Interior Black Leather with Satin Silver accents

Key Performance Attributes
0-60 mph (0-100 kph) less than 5 seconds
Standing ¼-mile low-13 seconds
Top speed greater than 120 mph (approximately 193 kph)
All-electric range 150-200 miles (approximately 241-322 km)

Friday, January 16, 2009

Jeep® Patriot EV

• Chrysler’s ENVI electric-vehicle technology meets industry’s most capable compact SUV
• 400-mile total driving range
• 40-mile all-electric range with zero fuel consumption and zero tailpipe emissions

Jeep® Patriot EV joins the growing portfolio of electric-drive vehicles being developed by Chrysler LLC.

As a Range-extended Electric Vehicle, the Jeep Patriot EV combines the electric-drive components of an Electric Vehicle with a small gasoline engine and integrated electric generator to produce additional energy to power the electric-drive system when needed. This provides the positive attributes of an Electric Vehicle with the driving range equivalent to today’s gasoline-powered vehicles. “The Jeep Patriot EV expands our portfolio of ENVI electric-drive vehicles and is just one more example of what is possible through the technology Chrysler is developing,” said Lou Rhodes, President, – ENVI, and Vice President, Advance Vehicle Engineering, Chrysler LLC. “Moreover, the Patriot EV provides socially responsible, advanced electric technology in the industry’s most capable compact SUV.” The Jeep Patriot EV features a refined and clean front appearance to match the refined and clean powertrain. The signature Jeep grille features vertical accents, and the front fascia is a separate component to help set the grille apart. The use of body-color paint, blended with matte black B- and C-pillars, visually creates a smooth and elongated profile. The unique wheel design and size gives the Jeep Patriot EV a wide stance which combines with the paint treatment to produce a sporty form. The interior of the Jeep Patriot EV features all of the elements introduced in the refreshed 2009 Jeep Patriot. The Jeep Patriot EV uses an electric-drive motor, advanced lithium-ion battery system and a small gasoline engine with an integrated electric generator to produce additional energy to power the electric-drive system when needed. Range-extended Electric Vehicles provide customers a no-compromise means of dramatically reducing their gasoline use and carbon footprint. The Jeep Patriot EV has a range of 400 miles, including 40 miles of zero fuel-consumption, zero-emissions, all-electric operation. The Jeep Patriot EV features a new ENVI Green Pearl exterior with a prominent “EV” graphic adorning both sides – top-to-bottom – of the vehicle. Jeep® Patriot EV – Vehicle Specifications Vehicle Type Range-extended Electric Vehicle,
5-passenger SUV Weight and Dimensions
Length 173.6 inches / 4409 mm
Width 69.1 inches / 1755 mm
Height 65.7 inches / 1669mm
Wheelbase 103.7 inches / 2634 mm
Front overhang 34.8 inches / 883.9 mm
Rear overhang 35.1 inches / 892 mm
Track front / rear 59.8 inches / 1519 mm 59.8 inches / 1519 mm
Approach angle 27.5 degrees
Departure angle 31.4 degrees
Turn circle 35.6 feet / 10.85 m Powertrain and Suspension
Layout Front-wheel drive
Motor Power: 150 kW (200 hp)
Regenerative braking
Battery Lithium-ion battery
Suspension Front - McPherson strut
Rear - Independent
Range extender SULEV gasoline engine and electric generator
Continuous electric power: 45 kW (60 hp)
Wheels and Tires
Tire size front P245 / 45R20 28.7 inches / 728 mm
Tire size rear P245 / 45R20 28.7 inches / 728 mm Color Scheme
Exterior ENVI Green Pearl
Interior Dark Slate Gray Key Performance Attributes
0-60 mph (0-100 kph) approximately 8 seconds
Standing ¼-mile low-16 seconds
Top speed greater than 100 mph (approximately 161 kph)
All-electric range 40 miles (approximately 64 km)
Total driving range up to 400 miles (approximately 644 km)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Chrysler revealed the 200C EV

The 200C EV is an extended-range vehicle powered by an electric motor assisted by a small gasoline engine. The vehicle can drive for 40 miles on the electric motor alone, and over 400 miles when assisted by the gas motor. The styling is based on the 300C, but it was modified slightly to reduce wind resistance and improve efficiency. Inside, the car features a multimedia touch screen instead of the usual array of buttons. It also comes with a tablet pc for the passenger, will be networked to other vehicles, and will allow parents to set limits to their kids’ driving range.
The 200C EV is not likely to go into production soon, as it is still a fairly new concept, but it does show Chrysler’s commitment to push for more efficient good-looking vehicles. According to Chrysler, they expect to have around 500,000 electric vehicles on the road by 2013.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Fisker revealed the new Karma S convertible

Fisker's Karma plug-in hybrid sedan may be one of the most attractive designs to take electricity to four wheels, and it now has a stablemate. Today Fisker revealed the new Karma S convertible concept at the Detroit Auto Show

The car was teased by the company last week via an enigmatic photo which revealed little but stirred the imagination. Showing only a front fender and door line that appeared to resemble the Karma very closely, the lack of a B-pillar and a generally bright look to the interior hinted that the Karma S might be a convertible, and that postulation has proved true.

Featuring a folding hardtop, the Karma S is envisioned by Fisker as a logical extension of the Karma platform, offering buyers of the sport/luxury hybrid a form factor that has long been popular with enthusiasts of more conventional vehicles.

Up to 403hp (300kW) is available from the car's two electric motors, promising brisk acceleration appropriate to the car's positioning. Despite the sporty demeanor, the Karma S uses the same Q-DRIVE electric plug-in hybrid drivetrain as the Karma sedan, and is capable of up to 50mi (80km) on a charge before using the on-board generator-engine at all, meaning no local emissions.

When the hardtop is not being used to protect the occupants from the elements, it tucks neatly into the trunk, leaving a convertible silhouette even an Italian carmaker could be proud of. Unlike many convertibles, however, the Karma S looks equally well-composed with the top up.
The styling language made famous by the Karma is evident throughout the Karma S's proportions, though there are enough unique touches to signify the car's independence as well. A flashy new door insert that looks as if it could also double as some sort of engine bay vent extends a swooping flare down the side of the car, and the split-spoke alloy wheels are also of a different type than those of the Karma, though they do share a sort of familial look.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

China's BYD to bring plug-in hybrid, electric cars to US in 2011

China's BYD Auto announced plans Monday to enter the US market in 2011 with a range of electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles.

It would likely be the first Chinese automaker to enter the highly-competitive US market and beat many established automakers in offering an extended-range electric vehicle to US consumers.

General Motors, Chrysler and Nissan are expected to be the first to introduce electric cars in small quantities to the United States in 2010.

Toyota expects to introduce a plug-in hybrid at the end of this year and a two-seater electric car in 2012.

Ford plans to introduce a small electric car in 2011 and a plug-in hybrid in 2012.

Chairman Wang Chua-Fu said BYD will soon start developing a sales and distribution network in the United States.

"Our goal is to introduce BYD electric vehicles here in 2011 and set up our manufacturing facilities in US when it is appropriate," Wang said as he unveiled the vehicles at the Detroit auto show.

The lineup will include the F3DM, the world's first mass-produced plug-in hybrid sedan, which went on sale in China last year, and the battery-powered e6, a mid-size five-passenger crossover vehicle with a range of up to 250 miles on a single charge.

Wang was joined by David Sokol, chairman of MidAmerican Energy Holdings, the energy wing of Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway, which last fall acquired a 10 percent stake in BYD Auto's parent company, BYD Company Ltd.

"For the electric-vehicle market to mature, the underlying charging infrastructure and technologies must mature at least simultaneously, if not first," Sokol said.

"We are working with BYD on developing charging technologies and infrastructure that would help promote plug-in hybrid and all-electric vehicles." 

Monday, January 12, 2009

The Triac Electric 2009

Finally, a modern freeway commuter that knows this is the 21st century. The pure electric TRIAC proclaims to the world, "yes, I am going to give the world's progressive people a way to protect what they love; yes, I am going to run longer than the previous EVs; and yes, I am going to do it in a seriously handsome fashion."

With an 80mph top speed and 100-mile range, sustainable driving is a real possibility. In fact, this ZERO emissions vehicle has an extra advantage of being allowed in the carpool lane with only a single occupant.

MSRP: $22,995

Charging takes 5 hours to go from zip to full, and is as simple as plugging in a toaster.

On the inside, sophisticated design features adorn a passenger cabin that exceeds your expectations for comfort and space. Throughout the TRIAC, modern lines blend with an innovative body style to project the confidence apropos for a truly revolutionary EV.

Green Vehicles, the world stays beautiful and you remain stylish.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Ford plans to sell electric car by 2011

Ford Motor Co. is planning to put a fully electric car in showrooms by 2011 that will get up to 100 miles on a single charge and plans to offer plug-in versions of its gas-electric hybrid vehicles a year later.

Ford announced its strategy for electric vehicles Sunday at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit, offering a broad description of plans for both hybrid and purely electric-powered vehicles.

Executive Chairman Bill Ford Jr. said the company is working on four high-mileage battery-electric vehicles to be introduced in the coming years.

Ford said the company's electrification strategy is "perfectly aligned with our nation's growing interest in advanced technologies that can help reduce our usage of gasoline."

The Dearborn-based automaker said it also plans to have a battery-powered commercial van on the market in 2010.

"We're employing a comprehensive approach to electrification that will tackle commercial issues such as batteries, standards and infrastructure," Bill Ford said.

In an effort to make electric vehicles appeal to a mass market, Ford said the company is teaming up with utility companies in California, and local governments in Colorado and China to develop projects that can help fuel usage of plug-in, eco-friendly vehicles.

Derrick Kuzak, Ford's group vice president of global product development, said the automaker expects to start out selling 5,000 to 10,000 electric vehicles annually.

Ford also plans to bring its European Fiesta subcompact car to the U.S. next year and is looking to drum up excitement for the vehicle by letting selected people test drive the car this summer and share their experiences on social networking Web sites.