Saturday, November 29, 2008

An Electric Truck for the 21st century

Modec makes marketing movie, moves more merchandise

Despite the tightening of economies world-wide, Modec, that UK manufacturer of all-electric trucks, seems to be plodding solidly ahead with new marketing efforts and more sales. We were just telling you about its continuing success with UPS and now it seems they have added another half dozen vehicles to their order book from the UK's largest tool and equipment rental company, Speedy Hire. The fact that this is a return customer, as is UPS, is indeed good news for those fretting about the future of the technology. The trucks' low carbon footprint seems to be a large factor behind the deal as revealed in comments from Speedy Hire's safety, health, environment and quality director, Mark Turnbull. "Environmental performance is becoming a key purchasing decision for customers – not least because it now plays an important role in prequalification questionnaires. We are continually looking for new and innovative ways to help our customers reduce their impact while enhancing their bid credentials."

Besides making sales, Modec has been busy putting together a promotional 3 minute movie. Well shot and edited, the video shows us lots of trucks rolling down various roads, as well as being built, whilst a narrator touts the vehicles various qualities. Hit the jump for all the Modec movie madness.

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