Wednesday, November 5, 2008

An electric car from India

REVA NXG is unique in that it has advanced capabilities in terms of speed and range. It is a two-seater roadster with an extended range of 200 kilometres per charge and a speed of 120 kilometres per hour. The car is powered by a high performance 37 kW AC induction motor that drives the front wheels, and uses Sodium Nickel Chloride batteries in lieu of conventional lead acid batteries for extended life. ‘REVA-NXG’s’ 4-wheel independent suspension with integrated regenerative and hydraulic braking system provides excellent handling and braking.

The car is fitted with a “wireless tablet”, an embedded appliance made by Encore Software that integrates into a high-resolution single touch-screen display system all vehicle dashboard functions such as Speed, State-of-Charge, Range and critical sensor inputs as well as personal communication tools such as GPS-based in-vehicle navigation, a GPRS Modem for internet and e-mail, and MP3 music.


REVA Electric Car Company (RECC) has been working on future technologies, the Fuel cell technology is the next zero polluting and eco friendly alternate fuel solution of the future. President Abdul Kalam launched REVA’s fuel cell prototype on Technology Day in July 2004. Currently the REVA fuel cell car is a technology development and not meant for commercialization as yet. It is still at its nascent stage world over and companies are looking at solutions to make it commercially viable. REVA is one of the few manufacturers worldwide to work in this field and is joined by companies like General Motors, Honda and Toyota who have been working on this technology. In India REVA is the first company to develop Fuel Cell technology.


Some of the limitations in an electric car are the ‘driving range’ and the ‘refill time’. These are basically areas characterized by the ability of the batteries to ‘store’ energy and ‘recharge’.

Necessity, they say, is the mother of invention.
Truly said!
The limitations posed by older battery technologies also offer tremendous opportunities for invention.

A lot of research all over the world is focused on alternate battery technologies for traction applications. Several promising technologies at various maturity levels are vying to become the next technology alternative.

Reva, as a frontrunner in EV technologies has also been actively involved in research and adaptation of these technologies to the EV platform.

Lithium Ion and Lithium Polymer batteries represent some of the most promising developments in this area.

Graph shows the energy density of various battery technologies currently under consideration


It is quite visible that Lithium Ion batteries can pack a lot more energy into every kg compared to the conventional lead acid.

Look at this ! A Li Ion car can achieve a driving range of upto 5 times the lead acid for the same weight of battery.
The other way round, one could use Batteries weighing a fifth of their lead acid counterpart to get the same driving range.

Lithium Ion batteries are also capable of ‘accepting’ charge at a higher rate. One could build charge stations that can charge a battery from zero to full in about an hour. In addition, these batteries also have a longer life and better ‘low temperature’ characteristics. These advantages would immediately overcome several of the long standing limitations of the EV.

Reva has been constant collaboration with technology leaders in the battery area and is developing on board computer systems to effectively manage these batteries in the car.
Lithium Ion batteries would ultimately make the electric car
Travel farther (longer driving range)
Charge faster (shorter charging time)
Live longer (longer period between battery replacements) and
Work better everywhere (good cold climate performance).

More info

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