Monday, February 2, 2009

Loremo Electric Prototypes Near Completion

What's green and white and gets 120 mpg? The answer is the new Loremo, an upcoming compact ultra-efficient green vehicle, from the identically-named start up.

Some are critical of the Loremo's looks, but its streamlined design allows it to deliver unmatched aerodynamic performance and enables it to get extremely high fuel economy. The car is painted a stock cool white color, with a lime green also available.

Since 2000, Loremo has been hard at working cooking up the car, but it still has yet to produce an electric vehicle. However, according to Loremo all three of its powertrains should be finished this year, allowing the first prototypes to soon be produced. With Loremo saying that its liquid-fuel engine technology is mature enough, this means only the chassis, interior and shell work will remain.

The Loremo will be available in three variants, all of which the company says are progressing well. The first is a base Loremo, which will get 120 MPG on a 700 ccm diesel engine featuring turbo charging, inter-cooling and exhaust gas recycling. The gas mileage target was cut slightly from the original mark of 157 mpg, but it should still be sufficient to win the Auto X Prize.

The second model is the Loremo GT, which not only brings sportier performance with a 850 ccm engine, but also will allow the car to run on liquefied natural gas (LNG) or pressurized natural gas (PNG).The final model is the Loremo EV, Loremo's take on an ultra-efficient electric vehicle. This variant is perhaps the closest to production as test runs have been started and it has been certified of road-worthiness. Public tests of the Loremo EV should begin in March.

Things are looking good for Loremo possibly meeting its target launch date of 2009, or a just-slightly-delayed launch in early 2010. The vehicle is still expected to save you some green as well, debuting at the wallet-friendly price of 15,000 euros ($22,500) for the basic model, or 20,000 euros ($30,000) for the GT.Via AutoBlogGreen

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